Thursday, August 30, 2012

Jackson's 3rd Birthday: 20 Questions

Thanks to a few blogs found via Pinterest, I have decided to start asking Jackson (and Amelia when the time comes) 20 questions every year on his birthday. I think it will be fun to see what his interests are every year and how they change from year to year. And I’m hoping to be extra ambitious with it and make a scrapbook of it so he will have it as a keepsake when he is older (or I’ll keep it as a keepsake). J

So, without further ado, here is my Q & A with Jackson:

1)      What is your favorite color? Brown (coincidentally the only color he currently recognizes)

2)      What is your favorite toy? A birthday cake (he is definitely in birthday mode)

3)      What is your favorite fruit? Strawberries

4)      What is your favorite vegetable? Cantaloupe J

5)      What is your favorite drink? Apple juice (interesting because we rarely have apple juice in the house)

6)      What is your favorite movie? Cars

7)      What is your favorite animal? Giraffe

8)      What is your favorite song? Veggie tales song

9)      What is your favorite book? About Jericho (the Bible?)

10)   What is your favorite snack? Crackers

11)   What is your favorite game? Basketball

12)   What is your favorite thing to do outside? Run

13)   What do you want for dinner on your birthday? A cracker J

14)   What is your favorite restaurant? Chick-fil-A

15)   What is your favorite thing to wear? Cars underwear J 

16)   Who is your favorite person? Nana

17)   What is your favorite thing about yourself? Chewbacca (from Star Wars… next year he'll understand this question more) :)

18)   What do you like to pray about? About the lion’s den and dinosaurs (he is currently scared of both)

19)   What is God teaching you right now? I learn about Jonah (Jonah is the current theme at church)

20)   What do you want to be when you grow up? Fly airplanes J

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